quick recap - i graduated from college may of 2008. i got a job in retail, then tore my meniscus (left knee) and had to be "terminated," on good terms of course. well, i have been looking for a job ever since, and that was september. my search has yet to come to a close, but i am hoping one of these days i will find a job. i understand that it's tough but i continually get called on interviews and am then told there are no jobs (at my level) available. well shit, then why the f**k did you bring me all the way down here first thing in the morning?? i just don't get it. but i deal. i smile and am polite and still nada. please someone just give me a job already! seriously! don't make me take an unpaid (unappreciated) 3 month internship. please?
well, back to the fact that it is monday. yay! last night (sunday) i had no new tv, except for the 25 minutes long (but brilliant) united states of tara. if you have watched the show then you know why it's great but if not, it's hysterical. toni collette has dissociative identity disorder and has several distinct personalities. to say the least, her 'alters' come out when bad situations happen and tara can't handle them. great show. well tonight (monday) there are a bevy of new episodes and i am so excited! obviously number one is gossip girl. i am just so excited i can't even begin to tell you. i love blair and chuck together but i love blair and nate together even more. they belong together. we also have, one tree hill, house and my favorite abc family show, greek! i love mondays. i saw a preview for today's episode of house yesterday and it looks so good. house's patient is trapped inside of his own body. he is completely lucid but cannot actually speak or move. he is literally trapped in his own body. it should be a great episode.
now, i personally love the hotness that is johnny depp. he is an incredible actor, great father and is so damn sexy is kills me. it's the smile and eyes. he's mischievous and you want to know what he is thinking at all times. so here's some hot johnny.

i just want to run my hands through his gorgeous head of hair.
yesterday i saw: joel madden with harlow (such a beautiful little girl) and then i saw sir michael caine. i was driving with my friend allison and all of a sudden she looks over and points and just goes, "oh my gosh, there's michael caine." i really don't care about celebs that much but i know i have friends who love hearing about my sightings. but michael caine is kind of a big deal. cider house rules, anyone? anyone?
i had quite the day. oooh i am also going to make some sort of a headband. i will keep you all posted on that and will post pictures if it comes out ok. i am thinking nicole richie around-the head style headband. we'll see. hope everyone has a lovely monday and a great week!
oh my gosh! i almost didn't talk about basketball! oh lordy, the rants i could go on, but i won't. in case you didn't know, arizona is out. we lost to the overall number 1 seed, louisville in the sweet 16. we went down hard and it was dirty. it still stings a tiny bit. but yesterday, 2 of the 4 number 1 seeds lost, louisville and pittsburgh. i know a lot of people that were rooting for either of those teams to win it all - well too bad for them. before basketball season even started i said that unc was going to win it all. tyler hansborough (little biotch) wants it badly enough, he stayed for his senior year and he is going to go get it. he is going to take it, regardless of who he has to plow down to get there. this weekend we will see the university of connecticut (uconn) take on michigan state....go spartans! and we will also see villanova attempt to crush unc. villanova should be able to stay in it but it in the end it's going to go to unc. arizona is officially on the search for our new basketball coach and i am so interested to see who will end up at our (former) power-house of a school. i just want us to be great again. ok, basketball talk is over.