by now, with my severe lack of postage, i doubt there are any readers but i am going to post anyways.
i recently resigned from my job because i found a new one and timing had it that i ended up with two wonderful (and much needed) weeks off. my two weeks basically started yesterday and i have decided that i am going to craft the time away.
my first project, candy to go with my holiday cards, failed. the molds i used for the candies smelled like silicone and the scent, no matter how long i soaked or how hard i scrubbed them, would not go away. i was so bummed. they were adorable.
my next project went significantly better. i made my own wreath! i am completely obsessed with it and it is now hanging on my door.
it was a lot easier to make than i thought it would be. i just bought a plain wreath at michael's (as well as all my decorative accents) and used floral wire to tie everything down.
i wanted something a bit more simple and with a vintage feel. they had a bunch of random bouquets of twigs, and other things so i found ones i liked and ended up cutting them apart and using each piece of the bouquet separately.
i also bought a bunch of spiral twigs, cut and attached them and then put dabs of glue and sprinkled silver glitter on them to give them a little sparkle.
it was definitely a fun project.
now i'm doing a puzzle. i haven't done one in forever and i am very excited. so far, so good.

i also plan to organize my room, download lots of music and blog.
will keep you all posted on the progress