let's just start with the terrible and work our way up shall we....

what the heck was nicolette sheridan thinking?? that looks like a full length ice skater's costume. i'm dying.

2 things about amy adams' dress....1, is she hiding something with that cascade of ruffles? that looks like a bump. and not just a "i had a stack a pancakes, two bagels and all the rest of the carbs on the menu" bump, that looks like a particular bump that gets bigger and bigger as the weeks go by. and 2, i don't like said dress. it's ugly.

i hate angie's a little less. i like the color and the style is very "her," but she could have picked something a little more special and flattering. granted, i love her and she is beautiful and could wear a potato sack. hopefully she'll bring it for the oscars.

kate winslet looks incredible, that is a given. she is absolutely gorgeous and an amazing actress but i want to cut this dress off where the train thing begins. it is such a gorgeous color and she looks absolutely beautiful but the bottom makes me want to scream. also whoever has been styling her has been putting her in the exact same types of dresses....

not that she doesn't look hot in each dress but they are all similar, especially the grey and blue. i still love her but someone needs to be slightly more inventive.

anne hathaway gets five gold stars for the evening. she looks absolutely amazing and is by far the best dressed at the sag awards. she can do no wrong. praise the lord.
and now for the winners. i am shocked and pleased at the two big awards for the night, best actor and best actress. shocked because meryl streep won for doubt....i wanted to see kate win (again) but sean penn won for milk. that movie was phenomenal and sean penn was amazing in it. he became harvey milk. i would love to see him win and oscar but i just can't decide if he will or not. he hates the academy and the academy hates him. i can't wait to see what happens. i love the oscars.
i was out and about today and in my travels i and ran into some rather heinous stuff. particularly this girl. baby pink uggs, abercrombie skirt (circa 2000) and a bright pink super tight (and short) long sleeved shirt. i just don't get it. yes there are people that like this look but i personally don't understand the appeal. i mean, i love uggs. they are great. if it's below 65 you can basically guarantee i am wearing mine, but i don't wear pink (or any other 'colored') ugg. chestnut, sand and chocolate brown.....that's it. i used to have black ones but grew out of them and haven't bought a pair of them since.

her boyfriend also happened to be wearing pants that look like christmas pajamas. do people not look in the mirror before leaving the house? why??
i went to my favorite flea market today and i got super lucky. i have begun collecting records (and am asking for a turntable for my birthday) and got 3 today! i picked up: the beatles rubber soul and let it be and christmas with bing crosby. you know i can't resist a christmas record. i am so excited! and they are all in incredible condition.

amazing! such a great sunday!!
oh and here's a little hotness....love it!

helping keep the planet green, making amazing films and still looking hot.
quote of the day:
"you gotta keep the fights clean and the sex dirty."
~kevin bacon (1958-present)
his response when asked what keeps his marriage alive
i was there at the SAG and it was awesome ;)